The Endless Journey

The Endless Journey

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Well, we're here, making this blog as a first timers and i am now; speechless. Just a few days ago all of us were so excited to create a blog but at last, no one seems to be posting anything...everyone's too busy doing their projects n all....*sigh*.....To honestly say, we're just gonna try to be ourselves, our own thoughts (well, at least i'm going to). We're all aware of Nambiar's & Mia's poetic n bombastic vocab in their blogs but we can't lie to ourselves, it's just not "us"....So it's just up to time to see where our blog will end up with.....n maybe in time, there won't be the six of us anymore....

i guess we'll just have to wait n see........

(PS: earth-to-the-owners-of-this-blog, can u guys pls post something to fill all this empty space)

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